If you have symptoms your GP wants to hear from you
Worried about bothering your GP if they are busy? If you've got symptoms that you're worried about, your GP wants to hear from you. Give...
Get NHS help online
The #HealthAtHome hub makes it easier to get NHS help online. Visit for access to a wide range of services including: -contacting your GP...
Help and support with food and medical supplies - Greater Manchester community hubs
Greater Manchester’s Community Hubs provide support for anyone who does not have any other way of getting food and medical supplies.
Contact your GP with any concerning health symptoms
While people’s minds are on coronavirus, it’s important to still contact your GP for advice on any concerning health symptoms. Find your...
There`s never been a better time to quit
Smokers are at higher risk of developing viral pneumonia from COVID-19. If you smoke & are worried then now is a good time to think about...
Contact your GP with any concerning health symptoms
Contact your GP with any concerning health symptoms
NHS Apps Library
Find NHS approved apps and online tools to help you manage your health and wellbeing. Covering Cancer, Child health, Covid, Dental,...
Send a message to your loved ones in hospital whilst they are in our hospital or care units
Send a message to your loved ones in hospital whilst they are in our hospital or care units
SilverCloud is available to people (16+) across Greater Manchester.
SilverCloud is available to people (16+) across Greater Manchester. SilverCloud is an online programme, which can provide extra support if
Free online counselling now available for children and young people across Greater Manchester
Free online counselling now available for children and young people across Greater Manchester