Brave the shave

The fantastic Alison Barker, medical secretary for the adult medicine team is braving the shave to raise funds for Macmillan cancer support.

Location:- Hartshead South Reception
Date:- Monday 3rd September 2018
Time:- 1pm
How people can donate:-
Text:- SHAVE 19097 to 70550
Online:- Via the Brave the Shave Website. – then just search for my name
Whether you're shaving your hair or donating to a brave shaver, your support means Macmillan can be there for even more people from the moment of their cancer diagnosis. Thanks to you we’ll be able to give them practical, emotional and genuinely personal support through cancer, from help with money worries to being there when they need to talk.
Find out more about Macmillan`s Brave the shave here